A foreign corporation wants to open a credit account with your company. What can you do to protect your investment? Wherever your client is located, our International and Local Credit Reports offer you with useful information that will aid you in making a credit application decision.
Obtaining independent and accurate verification of a company’s business credentials, experience, and level of reliability is not always straightforward in today’s complicated and fast-changing global business market. We assist you in identifying opportunities, managing risk, reducing costs, securing transactions, and optimising your supply chain.
Our multi-talented staff of private investigators, both male and female, has immense experience doing private, corporate, commercial, and civil investigations.
We are committed to offering foreign SMEs with customized sourcing and supplier verification services. Our in-house expert team will use their skills, knowledge, and experience to find a one-stop cost-effective solution for you at an affordable price, which will considerably add value to your business, thanks to our global service network.
Our technological support and qualified team help us achieve accuracy and efficiency to provide the required information.
Key Credit Reputation Report Services:
We provide a quick and low-cost correlation of essential company facts, such as core areas of operation, product lines, Chairman, and confirmation of foreign ownership; preliminary intelligence input to the creation of market entry plans based on existing market presence.
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